Who you're talking to
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, and as such have had to spend a good majority of my life adjusting to cultural pressures of not feeling good enough and feeling I always need to be more than I am. I took my first psychology class at the age of 20 and have been focused/obsessed/driven by the human brain since. I'm not perfect. I have anxieties, insecurities, depressions, and am always working on myself and how I interact with the environment around me. I also have happiness, peace, and confidence, all of which I have worked hard to get. It's all a balance, and that's what I can help you find. I can't take away your bad days, but I can make them easier and make the good days even better.
I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and two Masters of Arts in Psychology, and as such my knowledge of the human brain and how it experiences life, both scientifically and emotionally, is extensive. I believe my greatest skill of being a therapist is my honesty and my balance between understanding where someone is coming from and my knowledge of how to get them to where they want to be.
I'm a goofball at heart and a pragmatist at mind, a combination which I feel gives my personality a unique flavor. I became a therapist because I am fascinated by people's true inner feelings and am a listener by nature. We share the pain and we share the success, and together we can get you what you want.
"When we are no longer able to change a situation,
we are forced to change ourselves."
- Viktor Frankl
Contact Me
(I will reply, I promise.)
Los Angeles / California 🏝
License MFTA#133545
LinkedIn Profile