So, you’re seeking help with your brain/mind/thoughts/emotions/whatever else is going on in your life. It's rough out there, but the good news is that my profession and purpose is to help you sort yourself out.
To be perfectly honest (which I believe is my strong suit), writing a front page is difficult because therapy is different for everyone, and it's unique every single time. What does apply to everyone I work with is the fact that I do not judge (as I believe judgment is a waste of time) and I genuinely care about everyone who seeks my help. I’ve studied/worked in mental health for 10+ years and experienced sad to silly and chaos to calm. I truly believe there is nothing you can tell me that will make me uncomfortable or think less of you. We all have problems and I ain't perfect either.
You don’t have to worry about my feelings, you don’t have to worry about making sense, you don’t have to worry about being “normal” or seeming “crazy”, you don't have to worry about dumping all your problems on me or being too much; all you have to do is show up, be honest, and wanna make a change. If you're still reading this, please feel free to continue browsing my site. If you like what you see and feel, then contact me and
make a change.
Contact Me
(I will reply, I promise.)
Los Angeles / California 🏝
License MFTA#133545
LinkedIn Profile